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hit the road winter. and don'tcha come back no more.

i'm so sick of winter.
enough with the snow and the below freezing temps already.
living in a place where it snows 7-8 months out of each year (this is NOT an exaggeration) has been keeping me pretty depressed lately, and i'm just down right sick of it.
sick. of. it.
i'm ready for sprummer (sring and summer).
{i'm ready for fro-yo and swimming.}
{i'm ready for sunbathing and dresses.}
{i'm ready for carnivals and air conditioning.}
{i'm ready for traveling and sunshine.}

i'm done and over the snow, the cold, the staying inside all the time. i'm ready to go out and soak up the sun. get me my vitamin d and all that good stuff.
what about you?

what time is it,

{all pictures of glorious, warm, delicious, perfect summer (complete with colorful balloons) found via weheartit.}

1 comment:

I am Danielle and you are? said...

*HIGH FIVE* So with you with this! I am sick of winter as well. What used to get me down is that I would leave for work in the dark and come home from work in the dark. It sucked. But now that the sun is up when I leave for work, I will say that I am feeling much better!