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out with the old, in with the new.

well, i've done it again. (re-designed my blog that is). i just have one favor to ask of you: if you could change my old ugly button on your blogs to my new pretty one, that would be lovely of you! i wouldn't want you to have a lame-face button on your blog that is the photobucket logo telling you i've deleted the other one. so really, this is for your sakes as well.

we all win.

which is awesome.

here's the new button:
you can get the code for it on my side bar.
down a ways after my why is a raven like a writing desk button.

thanks peeps. you are all stupendous faces!


Penelope Blackheart said...

I would totally do that if i knew how.
I really am a go-getter when i wanna be.

amyschmamey said...

I love your new blog design. It is very cute. I changed your button on my blog :)