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driving. heels. dead guy.

yesterday, i drove for the first time since arriving here in good ole' texas.
if you know me, you know that i prefer not to drive unless i know the area really well. i get drivers anxiety especially on the freeway.
but yesterday, my dad decided it was high time i got behind the wheel.
so, he came and picked me up from church and when i got out to the car, he got out and went to the passenger's side.
me: you're making me drive?
dad: yep.
me: you're making me drive on the freeway... in my heels?
dad: yep.
me: *gulp* okay, but you're going to have to tell me where to go.
dad: nope. pretend i'm dead.
me: so, you want me to drive on the freeway, in my heels, with a dead man in my front seat?
dad: just go. 
grrrrr. i was pretty much scared outta my mind.
{these are not what i would call my 'driving heels'.}

but guess what?
we made it home safely.
even though i drove. on the freeway. in my [stellar, purple] heels. with a semi-dead guy in the front seat. (he did come undead once to tell me i was getting off on the wrong exit.)

so, am i officially a texas driver now?
oh, heavens no.


Unknown said...

I always take off my heels, I hate driving in heels, so I drive barefoot if necessary.

Congratulations successfully navigating traffic!

la petite lydia said...

I understand what you mean. I definitely have drivers anxiety.

But good job on making it home safely! ;)

kristin elena. said...

oh shit. where did you move from? just so you know (which you might be aware of already.) ntx drivers are INSANE! serisously! everybody has road rage here. watch out.

wishful nals said...

woohoo! good for you. xo

Grace said...

I get that too, drivers anxiety. It's especially horrible if I get lost.

Deals, Steals and Heels said...

yay!! i think good shoes totally help the driving process =)

bananas. said...

i've trained myself to drive in pretty much anything but i know that feeling. there were times i had to toss off my shoes to drive well.