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this court is now in session.

confession: i kind of find shows such as judge judy and judge joe brown sort of entertaining...

its entertaining to see the stupid things people do and then try to deny that they did it. its also pretty funny to watch the judges act like bad a's and roast on the people. every session starts out with them listening to the problem and escalates from there with a "you are so dumb, you are really dumb" type of ending...

clearly i have nothing better to do with my days off than watch really bad reality t.v.
i need a productive hobby...

(and yes. i did say "bad a's" - that's how i do it! {said in an anjelah johnson sort of way})


Meghan said...

When I was in high school, my friend's uncle was sued on Judge Joe Brown by his ex-wife, so we had a white trash party to celebrate while watching it. It was awesome.

thatonegirl said...

soo... my roomies and i used to watch daytime tv together in between classes. i would come in and be like catch me up.
i TOTALLY get you watching those shows :P

Jen said...

These shows are so hillarious!! The people who go on these shows make me feel so much better about myself! ;-)

yours truly dear said...

umm my husband loves judge judy. he has a signed picture of her. it's only a little embarrassing ;]