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you're all just daper.

happy friday the 13th everyone!

so, lately a few bloggers (amazing bloggers!) have been doing semi-promotions about me on their blogs and i've appreciated it SO much that i thought i'd do a pay-it-forward type of deal. i'm going to share with you all the awesome blogs i read and why.

i hope you check out these blogs because if you don't, you're missing out on some of the worlds greatest people. if you do stop by their blogs, leave them a comment, let them know i sent you! i encourage everyone to write a similar post as well, edifying the blogs you read. you never know when someone is going to do it for you!!!

blogs i read religiously:
busy bee lauren - by far and hands down my favorite blogger ever. lauren is SO positive and always has something fun to talk about. i feel like a teeny bopper visiting her blog and its awesome. she also does GREAT give aways AND sells her adorable clothing and headbands.
buscuit - i'm new to following her, but i read all of two posts of her blog and was hooked. she tells it how it is and is entertaining while doing it. she also has an awesome blog header that looks like its an ad for some awesome store that i would totally shop at.
life is bananas - i've mentioned her multiple times. this girl has sass and class. her blog always makes me hungry in the best way. i love reading about her crazy-awesome life in her i-don't-care-what-you-think voice.
confessions from a mormon bachelor pad - these guys blog about what its like to be a single-and-looking mormon 20 something. their blog is so drama-filled its like reading an episode of the hills without the alcohol and sex and from a guys perspective.
leah - fashion blog! she posts about what she wears and its awesome. she has the GREATEST clothes. i love to go to her blog and look at her outfits with green eyes of jealousy. she's also very sweet and humorous. and tiny which i love.
squeetus - since i'm an aspiring novelist, i like to keep up with some of my favorite authors. its like peeking into their brains. - this blog belongs to shannon hale aka my favorite author EVER and she addresses so much more than just her literature and how to be a writer. she talks about life and her opinions on certain topics as well. shannon hale is the author of the books of bayern series as well as the princess academy a few of my most favorite books ever. if you're looking for some excellen literature, these are the books you need to look for!
the happenings of a not so cookie cutter mom - not only is this blogger one of my best friends for eternity, she's also a hip young mom who knows how to have fun. i like reading her experiences as a mom and her crafty tutorials on how to do awesome diys.

blogs i stop by at least once a week:
(even though i only stop by a few times a week i almost always end up staying long enough to read everything they wrote that week!)
b is for brown, breathe, and believe - the author of this blog is named summer. she is a raw and open writer who shares her life experiences. she posts about pretty much everything under the sun and is a real genuine girl.
the singles ward - i'm new to this one too, but this blog is similar to confessions of a mormom bachelor pad. their blog covers dating life as a young mormon guy. these guys are humorous though. they talk about random things like pillows with arms and how guys should smell. its great.
deals, steals, and heels - this woman is hilarious! she blogs about fashion and her opinions on life. every time i read her blog i laugh out loud. she's just that awesome.
after 'i do' - this blog is pleasant, which i love. she writes about good places to visit and good books to read as well as what's going on in her life. krysten is so sweet and positive, i like dropping by her blog.
aleciadawn photography - alecia is one of the most amazing photographers i know. i discovered her through one of my besties for eternity and i've followed her photography ever since. her pictures are fresh, dynamic and beautiful.
amyschmamey - amy is great. she is a photographer and avid blogger whom inspires me to just be myself. i love dropping by her blog and hearing what she has to say.
lyds was here - i just barley found this blog. like seriously, just barley. - lydia is awesome! she just tells it like it is (like everyone should) and is very good at expressing herself through words. i'm excited to keep up with her blog in the future.

blogs i stop by at least once a month:
(again, i always do a lot of catch up reading on these blogs)
alecia 365 - same alecia that does alecia dawn photography. this blog has one wonderful photo for everyday of the year and a little explanation as to why she chose that particular photo.
apparently! - another wonderful author whom i hope to someday be like. she wrote the books wings and spells (go read them!) and is currently working on the last two books in her series. she's a funny lady who talks about life and literature.
brandon mull - author of fablehaven, i stop by his blog to check out his promotions and such. his site design is really awesome. also, you should probably go read the fablehaven series cause it rocks my world and it will probably rock yours too.
captured by mikki - another extraordinary photographer. she has so many great, innovative ideas that make me feel all happy inside every time i stop by her blog.
chelsea talks smack - chelsea is a tell-all girl. she has the most insightful words of wisdom about life and all that goes with it. every time i stop by her blog i wonder why i don't stop by more often.
just a small town girl - small town girl blogs about her life as well. some posts make me cry, some make me smile, others make me laugh. she's just a genuine girl living her life the best way she knows how.
love notes - erica has fun pictures and life-happenings to share. she also has a great etsy shop that i love!
myth & mystery - another author! rick riordin author of my favorite book series EVER: percy jackson and the olympians (go read this series!), writes about what you can expect from him next. i check in every once in awhile to get myself excited for his up coming projects.
rockstar diaries - taza and her  husband share their day-to-day wonderfuls. i love looking at all their photos and reading about the whimsical things they do.
seriously, so blessed - this lady cracks me up. she is an "anonymous blogger" that makes fun of all the typical mormon mom blogger stereo types. she has about a billion buttons and blinkies on her blog as well as the trendiest music, and she'll basically make you feel like crap (in a good way) because she's cooler, more hip, and prettier than you'll ever be (according to her.)
tates tourtes - tate aka tatum, makes the most delicious looking treats ever! if you live in the utah area, and are looking for someone to bake for you, she's the girl to see. i have yet to try something of hers, but i will someday and i already know it will be delightful. 
much love - this is a charming blog with inspirational photos, give aways, and her day-to-day doings. i love dropping by her blog.

go check out those blogs. they're great and wonderful and stupendous and every other adjective that = love and good.

rock on. you deserve to rock.


Amyschmamey said...

OOOOOOPSE! scrolled down a bit to far and left the comment on the wrong blog. I am so going to check out these blogs... Thanks for referring them and thanks for giving me a little spot. You are pretty cool. :)

ICantPayMyFines said...

I just found your blog via biscuit! It's great!

biscuit said...

thanks for the props madam! :) and thanks for all of the other reading suggestions! :)

bananas. said...

you gotta a great list here and i'm not just saying that because i'm one of them. lol.

thanks for the mention as always...and thanks for the kind words in your comments lately. always means so much to me.

hope you're having a grand weekend!

Krysten @ After 'I Do' said...

I love when bloggers do things like this because it gives me lots of new blogs to read. Thanks!