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happy birthday to me!

*please visit my i ♥ 365 site. it is now up and running.

let me just start off by saying: i'm one of the hardest people to surprise. i've known for a long time everything i'm getting for christmas and my birthdays and i know what's happening even when no one has said anything. when i was younger, my mom said that i would shake my presents that were under the christmas tree and i would be able to tell what they were. i was never wrong. one year, right before christmas my sister said to me "i know what i'm getting you for christmas" at that exact moment, i knew what she was getting me and that's all she had ever said about the matter.
so, that being said, i never had surprise parties when i was younger. no one could ever surprise me! my 18th birthday had a little surprise factor going on, but that's about it.
this year, that all changed. i was kind of ho humming around about my birthday because i've been feeling a little weird about the fact that i was going to turn 25. my room mates asked what i wanted to do and i couldn't come up with anything (which is rare. i've been planning my own parties since i was like 9 years old). finally, kdp took matters into her own hands and told me to be ready by 4:30 on my birthday (yesterday). at this point i tried to figure out what was going on. i asked the typical first question "what should i wear?" usually, when i haven't been able to figure out what the surprise is, the answer to this very question will give me the details i need to figure out the surprise. (i.e. the parents were planning a surprise vacay, i asked what i should wear, they told me to dress warm, i knew we were going to yellow stone.) her reply though, "something outsideish but we wont be walking long distances", gave me no clues.
4:30 on my birthday rolls around and i'm ready to go. me and my friends get in the car and head north, meet another friend for dinner then head to our destination. i'm still in the dark at this point. i know we're going to be outside and that whatever we're doing is cheap or free. in slc that could be anything!
as we're driving i see "concert parking" signs. okay. a concert... i know who's coming but not who's currently in town. i'm still in the dark...
it wasn't until we were walking through the gates of the concert with kdp saying "have you guessed yet? do you know what's going on?" and me shaking my head "no" once more, that she actually told me. i knew we were at a concert, but who in the world would be playing a free concert in slc?
that's right everyone. my friends surprised me for my birthday by taking me to a she & him concert. i know. i know. it was pure amazingness and never in a million years would i have guessed that's what we were doing! i had no idea that they were even in town! it ended up being one of the best birthdays i've ever had. just the fact that i was within 100 yards of my girl crush zooey and listening to the wonderful sounds of she & him, made. my. life. clearly, my friends are awesome.

*welcome to my newest followers! only one more to go until i announce my give away!!


lydia. said...

that is seriously so exciting!
i'm so happy you had such a great birthday, girl.


Alecia said...

i love zooey d! i bet that was so fun! i NEEEEEEED to see your 365! please invite me!

Alice said...

So jealous!!! My friend's just moved to the USA and his gig calendar for the next month makes me weep!

Sunny Sweet Pea said...

That is such a great birthday suprise. My other half absolutely loves Zooey and I have to say I have a slight girl crush myself. I hope you had a lovely day!

amylou said...

Awesomeness! I might have cried. Sounds like the best surprise birthday they could have given you. Happy Birthday!