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there is no charge for awesomeness.

here are some totally and completely awesome things that happened to me this week:

this morning a mother and daughter who saw me miss the bus stopped and picked me up and took me to school. (and wouldn't take gas money either.)

i saw a woman with an obe won kenobi hair cut, braid and all.

at plato's closet i found some white chucks in brand new condition for only $18.00 (usually go for $40-$60) say what?!

i go in for my second interview tomorrow, and then begins my roomies 2 day birthday celebration.

what's going on with you guys this week? i'm also gearing up for the second holiday in july, pioneer day. another day of fireworks and awesomeness with the family.


bananas. said...

aside from the family drama...hmmm...well i have a bbq on saturday. work is moving along smoothly. my boss rocks! last night i have sweet potato fries to cheer me up. that's about all.

congrats on finding something at plato's closet. everytime i go there, and it's been a while, there's nothing but dirty clothes.

cardiogirl said...

Uh, LOVE Chuck Taylors. And $18? Massive steal, as you know. Well done!