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sometimes rant. {2}

sometimes i have to sneeze. . .
. . .and then i do, but not fully and so i still don't feel better.
i hate that.

sometimes i think about how funny the human race is. . .
. . .with their "phone voices" and need for things like caffeine and spiffy electronics.

sometimes i wonder what it'd be like to be a different race. . .
. . .i think it'd be interesting to step into someone else's shoes for a day

sometimes i get uncomfortable when people don't like to be touched. . .
. . .but then i remember they probably get uncomfortable that i have an un-harnessable need to touch people.

sometimes i think that if only people knew my best friends. . .
{via, myself}
. . .they'd understand me better.

sometimes i think about being a published author. . .
. . .and i wonder if anyone would buy my book or come to my signings.

sometimes i ponder my children. what they will be named, what they will look like, what type of personalities they will have. . . 
{via, myself}
. . .and then i get excited about being a mother.

sometimes life gets prioritized over peeing. . .
. . .and then a few hours later i'll remember i have to go.

sometimes i think about everything and nothing. . .
. . .all at once.



Hannah Elizabeth said...

I love this! So cute and funny. Oh phone voices.

And I'd buy your book ;-)

Jamie Walker said...

Oh this is great. Especially the peeing thing. There's something wrong when we've run out of time to go to the bathroom!

fashioneggpplant said...

love this post it's so pretty and insightful :)

join my sTiLa giveaway!

Jamie Walker said...

Girl... your snowboard misses you! I love Brianhead! We lived in St. George last year and I loved it! Is that where you're from?

bananas. said...

i love the part and associated picture about your best friends. i say the same thing but instead of best friends it's my mother and brother.