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smpp=snail mail pen pals.

over the past little while, i've met some amazing people via blogger.
its been wonderful being in contact with all of you and hearing your thoughts. but i feel there is only so much we can talk about over the internet. i want to connect with all of you on a new level.
while e-mails and tweets and blogger/facebook comments are fun and lovely to receive, there is nothing that can compare to the joy of getting a little something, something in your mail box.
am i right?
so, i've decided to start smpp. snail mail pen pals.
at least once a month (or as often as you'd like. that's something you'll establish with your smpp friends.), all smpp-ers will send each other something in the mail.
a postcard.
a letter.
a picture.
a handmade gift.
it can be whatever you want.
that way, we as bloggers can get to know each other outside of the blogging world and have something to look forward to at least once a month!

anyone can participate in smpp. all you have to do is fill out the form:
and then take the button i've created and put it on your blog to help promote your very own smpp group.
(to add the smpp button to your own blog, copy the above image and save it to your computer. then add it as a photo widget on your blog. in the link option on your photo widget, copy and past this url: that will take those who click on it directly to this post.)
you and your smpp group can decide how often to mail each other, what sorts of parcels you'd like to receive and so on and so forth.
hopefully soon, there will be smpp groups all over the net/world. wouldn't that be lovely?!
i sure think so.
have a magnificent week.
and good luck on snail mail pen pals!

p.s.s. if you see this button on someone else's blog, it'd be marvelous for you to send me the url! i'd love to meet everyone who is participating.

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